General Medicine

One of the key Departments of Mother Hospital provides casualty, outpatient and in-patient facilities and we have well equipped Medical ICU.

Team of five eminent senior physicians with special interests in psychiatry, pulmonology, endocrinology, diabetology, drug addictions, poisoning etc.

A very successful diagnostic team which has brought an end to many undiagnosed cases moving around from one hospital to next since many years.

Team of doctors and nursing personnel provide high quality emergency care in situations like food poisoning, drug reactions including anaphylaxis, overdosage of drugs etc.

Take active role in managing critically ill patients requiring ventilatory care with active support from doctors of our anaesthesiology & Critical care unit.


Dr .P.K Ramachandra Menon
Medical Superintendent & Consultant Physician
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Dr. K.K. Praveen
Consultant Physician & Psychiatrist
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Dr. Joy D. Chiriyankandath
Consultant Physician
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Dr. Arun Jacob W
Consultant Physician
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Dr. Sameer Babu P.K
Consultant Physician & Diabetologist
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Dr. Neha.T.H
Consultant Physician
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